Earning some extra money by owning a part-time business is a wonderful idea to control your growing expenses. Here are seven great business opportunities you can start from your own home in your part-time.
Virtual assistant
Virtual Assistants offer administrative tasks for small organizations who do not have their own personnel to handle these tasks. Virtual assistants can help their clients with a variety of duties such as database management, writing and delivering business letters, and creating and developing various brochures and newsletters.
Computer courses
Teachers train students how to navigate the Internet, set up e-mail connections, set up a new computer, and use programs such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. These services can be delivered to students one-on-one or in classrooms, retirement homes, and churches. Hourly fees or enrollment fees for a full course may be charged by instructors.
Out-of-hours childcare
Instead of using existing childcare facilities, you can organize activities and care for your children before and after school in your own house. Many parents would gladly pay to have someone look after their children for a few hours each day before and after school, watching over them and ensuring nothing bad happens to them.
Freelance writing
Articles for newspapers and publications are written by freelance writers, as is information for businesses. The majority of articles needing research should be effectively written and also fit the publication’s style. Various big periodicals pay between $.10 and $2.00 per word. Different offices and firms may also require writers to generate reports, press releases, other sorts of advertising, and other unique projects on a contractual basis.
Animal sitter
Pets can be cared about by an animal sitter while their owners are away on vacation or on business. Food and animal play, cleaning and trash collection, dog walking, and other services, such as watering plants and collecting newspapers and mail, are common. Animal caretakers often charge a per-visit fee and may impose additional pet care expenses if the budget is exceeded.
eBay Sales Assistant
These assistants operate as intermediaries to sell contracts with clients on eBay, list products for sale, collect payment from purchasers, and then earn their part of the profits, which is normally between 30 and 50 percent. This is a fantastic service for folks who aren’t computer geniuses and have a lot of questions, yet would like to sell goods online.
Home Knitting
Knitters can produce high-quality objects such as knitwear, woodwork, jewelry, clothes, home decor, and even baked goods, which can be sold for a profit. Works can be purchased in markets, street fairs, trade exhibits, or online.